Data Renaissance: Glitches, Insights, and AI
Emulation and Wine quick tips
Publikováno 2018-11-02 v 22:06:38
2018: Wine - fault on write access (Nvidia driver)
bypass 1:
WINELOADERNOEXEC=1 wine game.exe
bypass 2: select nouveau OpenGL driver instead Nvidia - sudo eselect opengl list, sudo eselect opengl set [option]
fix: use
chmod +x /PATH/TO/wine-preloader
Wine with japanese locale
LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 wine game.exe
Running application with proton on Steam
Put this in properties of game and in Shortcut section put this in Launch options. In section Compatibility check Proton
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%